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Project supported by Qinglan Scholars Program of Nanchang Normal University and Natural Science Foundation (Grant No. 20171BAB216001), Scientific Research Project of Education Department of Jiangxi Province, China (Grant Nos. GJJ191114, GJJ161242, and GJJ171110), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51871096).
The formation of mono-atomic tantalum (Ta) metallic glass (MG) through ultrafast liquid cooling is investigated by ab-initio molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. It is found that there exists nearly golden ratio order (NGRO) between the nearest and second nearest atoms in Ta MG, which has been indirectly confirmed by Khmich et al. and Liang et al.. The NGRO is another universal structural feature in metallic glass besides the local five-fold symmetry (LFFS). Further analyzing of electronic structure shows that the obvious orientation of covalent bond could be attributed to the NGRO in amorphous Ta at 300 K.
Since the first discovery of metallic glass (MG) in the 1960s,[1] understanding the local atomic structures of various types of MGs has never stopped and still remains a crucial issue in materials science.[2–4] Many researchers have recognized that icosahedral clusters play a key role in the glass formation of transition metals–transition metals (TM–TM) amorphous alloys.[4–6] In the literature, one can easily find several studies that are carried out using molecular dynamics (MD) simulations which show that these icosahedral clusters not only impact on the thermo-dynamical properties of metal and alloy melts,[7–15] but also exhibit excellent structural stability[13,14] and configuration heredity during the rapid solidification.[4,16] Merely, difference of atomic size and various chemical ordering arrangements of amorphous alloys are not ignored due to their multi-component chemical nature.[7] Therefore, it is highly desirable to carry out a specialized investigation on the local atomic structures of the pure mono-atomic metallic glass to shed more light on the atomic size and arrangements of various chemical orderings.[7,17] Recently, by combining in-situ transmission electron microscopy observation and atoms-to-continuum modeling, several pure refractory body-centered cubic (BCC) metals, such as liquid Ta, V, W, and Mo, were successfully vitrified to form metallic glasses by achieving an unprecedentedly high liquid-quenching rate of 1014 K/s.[18] The ingenious experiment filled part of the gaps between experiment and simulation,[17] and paved the way for investigating the essential structural characteristic of metallic glasses by computer simulation. Namely, not only the cooling rate used in the experiment is rapid enough to be within the computing capability, but also the mono-atomic amorphous metals are an ideal model to understand the atomic structure of metallic glass.[17,18] Following the experiment,[18] series of quenching melts of pure refractory BCC metals were simulated by ab-initio MD[19] and classical MD[17,20] methods. For example, Zhang et al.,[19] Khmich et al.,[20] and Jiang et al.[13] investigated the local atomic structure,[11] glass formation,[20] and cluster evolution[21,22] in the rapidly solidified mono-atomic metallic liquid Ta, respectively. And they spontaneously pointed out that the dominant Voronoi polyhedral in Ta mono-atomic MG is the distorted icosahedra rather than the perfect icosahedra.[20] Khmich et al.[20] obtained the ratio Ri/R1 of radial distribution function (RDF) and showed the presence of a hidden crystalline order in Ta mono-atomic MG. Wu et al.[17] found that the local topologically close-packed (TCP) structures are commonly seen for the liquid and amorphous Ta.[17] Yang et al. further reported a fractal characteristic in the quenched Ta.[22] Gangopadhyay et al. predicted Tg for many elemental metals from thermo-physical properties of liquids[23] and so on. Obviously, although the unique internal structure of MG underlies their interesting properties, but fundamental knowledge on the atomic structure aspect of MG remains as opinions vary, no unanimous conclusions can be drawn.
Based on the above reason, the formation of mono-atomic Ta MG through ultrafast liquid cooling is investigated by ab-initio MD simulation. It is found that not only icosahedral short-range orders (ISROs) and icosahedral medium-range orders (IMROs) coexist in the Ta metallic glass, but also more importantly there exists a nearly golden ratio order (NGRO) in the mono-atomic Ta MG. And we deduce that the NGRO is another universal structural feature in metallic glass besides the local five-fold symmetry (LFFS). To the best our knowledge, the NGRO in mono-atomic Ta MG is the first time reported up to now.
The simulation in the present work was conducted by employing the Vienna ab-initio simulation package (VASP)[24,25] with the generalized gradient approximation[26] for the exchange correlation functional and the projector augmented wave[27] method for the electron–ion interaction. The Newton's equation of motion was solved via the Verlet’s algorithm with a time step of 5 fs and the simulation was performed at a normal precision. The wave functions were sampled on 1 × 1 × 1 k-point mesh in terms of the Monkhorst–Pack scheme.[28] The plane wave cutoff energy is 280 eV, and the energy convergence criterion of electronic self-consistency is chosen as 1.0× 10−4 meV/atom for all the calculations. Then, ab-initio MD simulations of the rapidly solidified process of liquid metal Ta were carried out, in which 108 atoms in a cubic box (11.5 Å × 11.5 Å × 11.5 Å ) subjected to the periodic boundary condition were considered. The metal Ta was initially melted and equilibrated for 10 ps at 4000 K well above the experimental melting temperature Tm = 3290 K,[20] next the 108 Ta atoms were rapidly cooled down from 4000 K to 300 K with a cooling rate of 5 × 1013 K/s. Three reference configurations (108 atoms in each configuration) of Ta were used in the potential fitting process and the valence electron configuration of Ta in the density functional theory calculation is 5d36s2. At each temperature, the ions were systematically varied through the relaxation in VASP and a parallel implementation of the RMM–DIIS (residual minimization method and the direct inversion in the iterative subspace) method with respect to each band in this paper.
In addition, we have further calculated the density of the 108-Ta system by Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator (LAMMPS)[29] for comparing the behaviors of the rapid solidified processes, which is plotted in Fig.
Before analyzing the microstructures of the system in detail, the evolution of the systemic total energy per atom (E) of the 108-Ta system as a function of temperature during cooling is firstly analyzed for three kinds of initial configurations, as illustrated in Fig.
The atomic packing density is another key feature of the metallic liquid besides the energy. From Fig.
![]() | Fig. 2. (a) Schematic diagram of correlation between radial distribution function g(r) and radial distance r.[32] (b) The g(r) of liquid Ta during the rapid solidification at selected temperatures. For guides to the eyes, the splitting position of the second peak of g(r) is marked by red arrow. |
The radial distribution function, g(r), also called the pair distribution function or pair correlation function, represents the probability of finding atoms as a function of distance r from an average center atom (Fig.
In fact, the g(r) curves are used not only to describe the structural characteristics of liquid and amorphous alloys, but also to determinate the GT region from the empirical criterion.[35] As early as in 1978, Wendt and Abraham proposed an empirical criterion using g(r) for specifying the super-cooled liquid/amorphous phase boundary.[35] They defined an empirical parameter R = gmin/gmax, where gmin and gmax are the magnitudes of the first minimum and the first maximum of g(r), respectively. The empirical parameter R is plotted versus the sequence of temperature in Fig.
Although LFFS in the form of metallic glasses is considered as the populous structural unit,[4] more universal structural features about NGRO are proposed for the Ta metallic glass in this paper. If a line is divided into two parts, and the ratio of smaller part and longer part is equal to the ratio of longer part and whole length, then the ratio is the idea golden ratio. That is to say, the divided point of the line should be located at 0.618033988749894848⋯ from the mathematics points of view, the digits after decimal in the golden ratio just keep on going and never end. When the ratio is used in cubic geometry, it is called the golden ratio. The standard golden triangle ABC, golden rectangle ABED, and golden regular pentagon HGFED are plotted in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of standard (a) golden triangle,(b) golden rectangle, and (c) golden regular pentagon. The red and green balls denote central and shell atoms of icosahedra clusters. |
In view of the above reasons, the schematic diagram of nearly golden rectangle IJKL, golden triangle RST, and golden regular pentagon MNOPQ in Ta metallic glass at T = 300 K are plotted from different angles of view in Fig.
From Fig.
The PDF is a statistical expression that defines a probability distribution for a continuous random variable as opposed to a discrete random variable. When the PDF is graphically portrayed, the area under the curve will indicate the interval in which the variable will fall. The total area in this interval of the graph equals the probability of a continuous random variable occurring. As an illustrated example, the distributions of probability density (P) as a function of the nearest and second-nearest atomic distances of the Ta system at 3500 K are plotted in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 8. The temperature T dependence of probabilities P1, P2 and the ratio of P1/P2 in the rapid solidification of Ta. |
While review Fig.
As early as in 1975, a nearly-free-electron model for explaining the relative stability of metallic glass was proposed by Nagel and Tauc.[37] Within the framework of the nearly-free-electron model, they have predicted that the maximum stability corresponds to the Fermi level (EF) at a minimum of the density of states (DOS) in MG. Hence based on the above ab-initio simulations, in order to further understand the correlation between DOS and stability of metallic glass, we present a comparison of measured and calculated total density of states (TDOS) and partial density of states (PDOS) at four different temperatures (3800 K, 2500 K, 1800 K, and 300 K) in Fig.
Next, to further understand the electronic interaction between different Ta atoms in the rapid solidification, the contour plots of difference electron densities on the sections cross the [110] and [011] planes ([110] and [011] refer specifically to the planes of the simulation box) in the liquid (3800 K) and amorphous solid (300 K) are illustrated in Fig.
Several commonly methods including of energy, atomic density, g(r), microstructure analysis, bond lengths, density of states, and difference electron densities are used to illustrate the characteristics of structure for amorphous solid and super-cooled liquid in this paper. Generally speaking, the variation of energy dependence of T is usually a key critical reference for determining the Tg during the rapid solidification. In this work, although only three different initial structure models are rapidly cooled perfectly as the computation time of DFT is very huge and consumed, and all of energy curves converge to be consistent at temperature below about 1750 K. But when T < Tg, the higher the temperature, the larger the difference in energy per atom, the more obvious the energetic fluctuation. This indicates that the super-cooled liquid has intrinsic variations and fluctuations and some important depth of information beyond our knowledge. Meanwhile, Tg = 1750 K is further confirmed by the temperature of splitting the second peak of the g(r) curve. Although the origin of the split second peak for MGs has been the subject of some debate in recently years,[15] our microstructure analysis subsequently has revealed clearly that indeed original from ISRO and IMRO. Before further statistical analyzing the information of atomic distance and bond lengths between the nearest and second nearest neighbors in the system, we have used three standardized geometric diagrams (refer to Fig.
We have systematically investigated the formation of mono-atomic Ta metallic glass by using ab-initio MD calculations. A nearly golden ratio order is found from the distribution of probability density (P) as a function of the nearest and second-nearest atomic distances of ultrafast liquid Ta quenching processes. Although only limited examples have been studied, we believe that the NGRO is another universal structural feature in metallic glass besides LFFS. Analyzing of electronic structure shows that our results are consistent well with the nearly-free-electron model for explaining the relative stability of metallic glass. And the obviously orientation of covalent bond is presented in the [110] plane of the simulated box with linear arrangement of Ta atoms at T = 300 K, which could be attributed to the NGRO in Ta metallic glass.
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